Hentai Matsuri

Hentai Matsuri is San Diego’s newest, adult-only (18+) convention celebrating the degenerate anime lover in you!



"You are invited to be a part of the inaugural Hentai Matsuri is San Diego’s newest, adult-only (18+) convention celebrating the degenerate anime lover in you!! Do not miss what will be the hottest and sexiest event of the summer! Debuting on June 14 to June 16, 2024 at the Handlery Hotel in Mission Valley, San Diego, expect an unforgettable experience featuring adult panels, interactive workshops, and live entertainment, and exclusive vendors and artists!" - Hentai Matsuri via the badges page.

When: June 14 - June 16, 2024

Where: Handlery Hotel San Diego, 950 Hotel Cir N, San Diego, CA 92108


Sayu will be joining Aizakaya on a trip to Hentai Matsuri! To celebrate, the convention hosts have been generious enough to donate a free weekend pass for Sayu to give away to her community. If you are a member on Sayu's website, click here to enter. For non-website members, attendence badges are purchasable here. Information on the badges are available on the website, or you can have a quick recap by looking at the screenshot below. If you plan on going, grab your tickets ASAP for the early bird discount~ You can also use code "AIZAKAYA" for 10% off convention badges for Hentai Matsuri.
