WWF Charity Stream April 24'
The charity stream has concluded! In the end, Sayu and her community raised $6,096.00! She will write initials and names in a future stream. Stay on the lookout for future schedules to know when~
Sayu is partnering with WWF to host a charity livestream event. DONATE HERE!

The charity livestream will be Saturday April 13th, starting at 7pm PST. The first three hours of the stream, Sayu will be building a Gunpla, which is a Gundam plastic model put together piece by piece! The model being built during the stream is a Deathscythe! By donating to the WWF charity, you can have your initials, or even your full name/username written on the Gunpla! After about three hours of building, we'll move over to Resident Evil 5, where donations of specific amounts will force Sayu to do certain things in game! Oh, did I meantion you get to pick if Sayu or Thorlar gets punished?... Yea. It'll be fun. Want to know more about the incentives? Read below~
Incentives for Gunpla
- Get your name written on the gundam: $300
- Get your initials written on the gundam: $50
Incentives for Resident Evil 5
- Sayu can only use her knife for 5 minutes: $30
- Force Sayu to shoot her gun, and waste her precious ammo!: $69
- Stop the loot gremlin from gremlining: Sayu's not allowed to loot for 3 minutes: $100
(This one specifically can only stack twice and cooldown for 20mins.)
RE5: Drop a loot (can be random or donator can choose) (random: $30, donater chooses: $300) (Both have individual cooldowns of 20mins after use.)
- Inverted mouse controls for 3 minutes: $50
- Can't move for 10 seconds: $25
(Can stack to 30 seconds)
- All incentives can stack up to a max of 20mins in a row for each individual one. (So each can be stacked at 20mins each then needs to go on cooldown for 10mins.)