OffKai Expo 2024

Sayu will be attending OffKai Expo 2024!

Convention Information

What is OffKai Expo? OffKai Expo is a convention centered around VTubers. They bring together creators big and small and enable them to interact with their fans. This makes for one awesome event! It's volunteer-run, so please give props to the team! This year, Offkai Expo is being hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Burlingame, California. The dates run from May 31 - June 2, 2024. If you'd like to grab a ticket, click here to do so. You can get a 10$ discount if you purchase your tickets before May 31st, early bird gets the worm!


For more information, you can visit OffKai Expo's website and stay up-to-date with their Twitter posts. They'll be announcing all the fun information there~

As for information regarding Rae, this is her first time attending a convention, and first time in California! She will likely be getting lost T_T and therefore unable to set a specific meeting spot. Keep an eye on her Twitter for live updates on where she's at, and when she's open for meeting people!


If you happen to see Sayu walking around, please abide by her convention boundries


  1. Sayu will have freebies available to give to whoever wants one, but they are limtited supply so there's no gurantee you'll get one if you see her!
  2. Be respectful! No comments on appreance of Sayu or anybody she's attending with. It's weird, just be cool.
  3. She doesn't bite and would love to meet all of you! Don't hesitate to meet her~


We are looking forward to seeing you all at OffKai!