Christmas 2024 Merch

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Christmas 2024 Merch

It's Christmas time! This means we got lots of new merch options for our lovely SincroKnights~


Mystery Santa Event: Santa Claus is coming to town! Were you naughty, or nice? Orders from SincroKnights that were good this year will get a freebie~ Each order has a 50% chance in getting a freebie *"SincroKnights that were good" is not a part of the actual selection process, and the freebie is given to completely random orders. 

Holiday Manga Page : The page is free for website members until Jan 16th & that there are two variations, orders will get one at random
Wall Tapestry
Winter Print
Sayu Pillow Cover : Its double sided!
Sayu Blanket : Its double sided!
Sayu Stocking
Sayu's Nuts Keychain

We now offer 25$ Gift Cards! They will be sent to your email within 1 week of purchase. This is done to prevent spam, users purchasng the gift card, using the code, then refunding the amount/chargebacking, and bot abuse.