Sindicate Job Board

Sayu is always working on new projects. We will post various jobs/tasks/positions we have available here as they come up. New postings will be announced on Discord, and sometimes Twitter.

Merch Designer

Sayu's team is looking to create unique and useful items for her community! If you are a designer, please fill out an application. We are looking for multiple, so don't shy away from applying!

VOD Scrubber

Have you ever wanted to work for Sayu? Paid to watch her streams even? Well you’re in luck! We are now hiring a VOD scrubber to work with us consistently. 

What is a VOD Scrubber?
What we are looking for in our person who VOD scrubs is somebody familiar with Sayus content/games they play, who has a good understanding of what makes a good clip, and can stay organized/on a schedule. Our VOD scrubber would watch through Sayu's VODs, clip moments that will be given to our editors and uploaded to YouTube, download the clips, then upload them to Google Drive.

If you're interested, APPLY NOW~ Please note that this is a paid position, and a certain level of professionalism is required. Thank you~

Shorts Editor

If you're interested in becoming a shorts editor for Sayu, APPLY HERE. While we are specifically looking for shorts editors, feel free to apply if you're a long form editor, channel trailer editor, etc.! We'll reference these forms first when looking for new hires.

  • Payment is done through PayPal at the start of each new month. For example: if you were assigned a video on Jan 7th and you completed it Jan 19th, you will be accumulatively paid for the video at the start of February. And if you did 3 videos in the month of January, you will be paid for all of them together at the start of February.
  • We have all of our editors on a consistent schedule. For example, if you were editing shorts we would have you submit a short every Wednesday, weekly. If you were to do long form, we would have you on a schedule like "every other week" or "the first week of the month and the third week of the month" every month.
  • At the moment we are only looking for long-term editors who can stick to a consistent schedule.
  • Shorts must be at least 40 seconds, we aim for 50. This leads to many clips being "compilation" clips.
  • Both long form and short form videos have a revision process where our team will review and send notes for corrections. We do not just upload whatever is given to us, and any editor on the team has to be willing to do revisions.
  • If you apply and we are interested, we will run a trial with you.
  • Trials are not "free trials". We still pay your full price. However, it's treated as a one-off commission during trials. If the trial is approved by the team, then you would be integrated into the editors server.

Any Other Skills...

Even if we aren't actively looking for a specific skill that you have, Sayu still loves working with her fans. If you would be interested in Sayu commissioning you, or working on a future project with Sayu, fill out this form.

All submissions will be reviewed by Sayu's Manager (raechit) so please do not use this form to send personal messages to Sayu.